Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): Modern

“To Want and Not To Have”: Gender in Modernist Writing

"We live in a place that is not our own." --Wallace Stevens

Published 2024-04-30


  • Woolf,
  • Larsen,
  • gender,
  • space,
  • time,
  • tradition vs. change
  • ...More

How to Cite

McAree, M. (2024). “To Want and Not To Have”: Gender in Modernist Writing. Wings of Fire: Proceedings, 2(1). Retrieved from https://proceedings.francescacoppa.bergbuilds.domains/index.php/WOFProceedings/article/view/44


In their novels To The Lighthouse and Quicksand, Virginia Woolf and Nella Larsen effectively use the narrative arcs of their characters and the language of their descriptions to suggest that changes in gender roles are incomplete and held back by traditional language and worldviews.